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NANO Clinical Pathways Solutions

Regularize care for whole population cohorts while fostering a personalized strategy to personal patient care

Care Pathways

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    NANO Health Care Pathways enables predictable and optimized workflows to sustain the management and track the delivery of care programs.
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    NANO Health Care Pathways can be seamlessly executed throughout the healthcare system, within hospitals, ambulatory settings, and across communities.
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    The Care Pathways solution delivers implied models of care aligned to an array of treatment best practice guidelines.
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    Care Pathways endows considerable task demands, from easy risk assessments to highly urbane predictive workflows that pursue individual patients via their care programs.

Advantages of Care Pathways

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Manage Comprehensive Care Models

Corps can devise and drive clinical pathways and care delivery prototypes across the care continuum.
A span of predefined proof-based medical workflows, assessments, clinical records and predictive paths) are available; for example, the Change of Care and Care Coordination pathways. Corps can also tailor Care Pathways for their care coordination necessities.

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Standardize processes

Care Pathways facilitates standardized policy, practices, and processes within and across healthcare organizations while permitting flexibility where care is delivered.
Organizations have the chance to leverage the pre-built Care Pathways to serve their precise necessities.

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Reduce hospital admissions

Lower hospital admissions, readmissions, and overlooked appointments are simplified and voids pinpoint and tracking care.
Care Pathways delivers added management mechanisms – rule-driven reminders, alerts, and announcements. These tools reinforce organizations in improving compliance with general models of care, fulfilling best practices, or local care necessities. Tasks rationed to distinguishing users authorize the care team to investigate compliance and identify and manage any care gaps.

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Bring the team together

Conveying the care team jointly and sustaining the multidisciplinary care delivery models your organization demands; for instance, Coordinators can have the instruments they ought to pinpoint and follow cohorts and individual patient commitment to care delivery workflows and moderate promptly to stem or overwhelm gaps in care.

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Leverage care records

Leverage and contribute to blended care records that reinforce knowledge flows. Care providers can enlist patients on one or considerable pathways at any time.
Each Care Pathway can be governed individually, facilitating the care record to be considered and revised by all the patient care team fellows.

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Treat patients at the appropriate place and time.

Minister patients at the right place and proper time by the exemplary professional. Care Pathways delivers the tools required to have a streamlined patient voyage – with the patient standing at the care base.


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Build adaptable forms and interact with the whole care team

Intelligent and flexible forms promote fast and accurate admission of information. Interactive web forms can be effortlessly constructed and integrate varied features, including; field verification, exhibit and conceal numerous sections, image annotation, and extensions that come as part of the clinical review.

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Care Pathways the whole care team can commit with

Care Pathways are groupings of tasks that function as a cohesive care program for patients. Care Pathways drive more uniform and predictable patient workflows. Organizations can build any number of Care Pathways, ranging from short-term to condition administration over a patient's lifetime. As a result, we can construct and configure your pathways to fulfil organizational necessities and benchmarks, fostering thorough patient care and treatment strategy.

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Adaptable workflow agents for responsive care pathways

Versatile workflow tools allow Care Pathways' composition to satisfy industry standards based on best practice models and guidelines. Care workflows can be formed in a flow chart layout, permitting users to envision and establish workflows, enabling effortless confirmation by subject matter specialists.

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